
🔀 Custom default app selection, Localized date and Performance boost


✨ New

  • Custom Default App Selection: Now you have the flexibility to choose your preferred app for opening notes. This feature proves particularly handy for users who integrate Type with their favorite note-taking apps like Obsidian. Simply navigate to Settings > General to make the switch – Thanks Mark, Sivakumar, Brian and Morav for requesting this!
  • Localized Date: The date format now seamlessly aligns with your computer's language settings. For existing users, it will stay in English by default. You can change it in Settings > Format – Thanks Frank, Edoardo and Sacbe for the feedback!

💎 Improvements

  • Performance Boost: Experience a significant speed enhancement when opening the app or when adding new entries, thanks to improvements in the parsing algorithm.

🐞 Fixes

  • Text Field focus: Resolved the issue of text fields losing focus upon pressing the Tab key. This fix ensures uninterrupted typing – Thanks Brian for highlighting this!