
🆓 Free Trial


✨ New

  • Free Trial: Type is now free to download! Enjoy a 7-day free trial and unlock Type forever if you love it. If not, the app will switch to read-only mode. Existing users remain unaffected and won't have to pay anything.

💎 Improvements

  • Automatic Window Centering: The window will now automatically center when the screen size changes, making it convenient when plugging or unplugging an external monitor. – Thanks to Shawn for the suggestion!
  • Default Document Type: The last used document type will be saved and reused when creating a new note. – Thanks Phil for requesting this!
  • Add New Lines: You can now use the widely-recognized Ctrl + Enter or Shift + Enter shortcut to add a new lines.

🐞 Fixes

  • Text Field Size in Detail View: The text field in the detail note view has been adjusted to prevent text from being cut off on the right side. – Thanks to B Q for pointing this out!